Best Crypto Mining Sites: Best Tools For a Smart Investment
Crypto miners are miners first but they are also investors. Instead of simply buying their crypto on an exchange, they found other means to acquire it. So if you're looking for more ways to make your crypto work for you, then check out the following best crypto mining sites.
As with any business, you want to use elements that maximize efficiency. As a miner, if you're using a cheap piece of hardware that sucks all our energy up and drives up costs, then you're doing it wrong. That's why you should consider buying a Dragonmint T16. With 16 TH/s and consuming just 0.075 J/GH, Halong's Dragonmint T16 is the most powerful and most efficient hardware on the market. Ultimately, this means you can mine more bitcoin and spend less money doing it.
Google news? Now, wait a minute. How can the news help your investment? Well, any good investor is an educated investory. By closely watching market trends, you can be sure to capitalize on bull or bear markets. Especially with such a volatile and new industry like this one, it's essential to know all the fine details found on the news. Stay informed.
Many miners are struggling to stay in business these days. With electricity cost on the rise and BTC price falling, profit margins are shrinking. That's why many miners are turning to crypto lending platforms. With these platforms, miners can put up their crypto as collateral in exchange for a fiat loan. They can use this loan to pay electricity bills, fix their hardware or scale up their operation. Meanwhile, they don't have to sacrifice any of their crypto in the process.
FinTech platform YouHodler is especially attractive for miners as it offers BTC, BCH, BSV, ETH, LTC and XRP as collateral options and boats an industry best loan to value ratio of 80%. For miners that want their loans in a fast, efficient and convenient manner, they should include this platform in their arsenal.