This video features a simple lifehack to help you find interesting tools for trading and investing. This approach can be used with the batteries and in other fields.
How much does one battery cost? Standard batteries are priced between 30 cents to $3. Nothing to think about, right? What you should think about is the amount of batteries and accumulators that are sold worldwide.
In the U.S. alone, 350 million rechargeable batteries are sold every year, and 3 billion batteries are thrown away.
What is indicated on the battery? The most important component is the battery type. Most popular batteries are either alkaline or lithium-ion.
According to leading world investors like J.P. Morgan Chase and BlackRock Inc., lithium demand will increase twofold by 2020.
Continuous growth of tablet devices use and the governmental support of hybrid and electric cars worldwide only speed up this process. The material used for producing the accumulators? You guessed it: lithium!
Elon Musk is already building his super-plant in Nevada. The world is moving forward, and if gold is considered a safe harbor for investors, the metals that are used in IT can be a gold mine for them – even without gold.
That’s why you should always pay attention to what is written on the battery.