NEO vs. Bitcoin vs. Ethereum: Should You Invest in NEO? -
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Is NEO Better Than Bitcoin? Should You Invest in NEO?

It's been eight years since the birth of Bitcoin, and we’ve seen huge steps forward in the blockchain arena. Could we be about to see the moment blockchain tech becomes usable in all real-world industries?

What is NEO?

If you’ve already heard of Antshares, then you already know NEO. After undergoing a brand makeover, China’s blockchain project has launched their smart contract system 2.0. What everyone is really excited about with NEO is the real-world potential. Sure, Bitcoin, and Ethereum have changed how many people and organizations handle money, but have they made an impact on the average Joe?

How is NEO Different from Bitcoin and Ethereum?

Just like Ethereum, NEO works with smart contracts. It’s as user-friendly as a cryptocurrency can be. It’s also very fast in comparison to the hours you can spend on Bitcoin with large transactions.

One huge thing that Bitcoin and Ethereum have been boasting about in the past is privacy. People certainly value their privacy, but this comes at a cost. You can’t deny that there are spam attacks. For some, not knowing who you’re dealing with as you make Bitcoin transactions leaves a feeling of unease.

NEO has what they are calling “digital identity,” where you can verify you are who you say you are. This is very important for real-world integration in industries where verifying identity is essential; applying for a driver's license or paying taxes, for example.

Can I Invest in NEO?

Although it was created in China, you can put money into NEO from anywhere and become a user. You can expect all the usual functions and features you’d get with other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

If you’re just learning about cryptos for the first time or are coming back to the game and want to catch up, we definitely recommend checking out You should never invest unless you know exactly what your money is going into, and that’s why YouToken is perfect right now. They’re currently offering their first course "Everything you need to know on Bitcoin" for free. What have you got to lose?