Financial investments can be both profitable and very godly.

Is it okay for religious people to invest money in stocks and bonds?

A good response to this is a big number of Christian, Muslim and other religious investment funds; currently there are more than 600 such organizations in the world.

The strategy of these funds is different from the traditional ones. They cannot purchase the stock of companies that are pushing people to do sinful activities. The investment process is strictly controlled by a special board of religious people.

For example, the Ave Maria Catholic Values investment fund is controlled by both the investment board and the members of the Catholic Advisory Board. Similar control is exercised over some Muslim funds that have to receive a fatwa, a religious good-to-go from a Mufti.

There are more restrictions in the Muslim funds. For example, one no-no is an investment into companies that work with pork or with banks that are not working by Sharia laws.

It looks like religion is not an obstacle to investment activity! To work with such a fund is simple – you just need to contact one of the international middlemen that work with these funds. The cost to join varies, however, from $30 to $5,000, depending on the fund’s reputation.

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Published on
20 September 2017