10 Financial Scams You Need To Avoid (Part 2)
We're back with part two of the worst financial scams around. While it's unfortunate these things even happen, with a little knowledge, you can easily avoid them. So get in the reading mood and open your mind to the criminal underworld of elderly scam schemes.
While we are all getting better at using the Internet, it's common knowledge that the elderly are adapting to it at a slower rate. Don't laugh, someday you'll be in the same position as them. Anyway, there is a whole genre of scammers who utilize fake pop-up windows and emails to lure in elderly web users. From there, it's just a few clicks until they download a virus or give up their personal information.
It's no coincidence that senior citizens love to invest. After all, they are planning for their retirement and want to utilize their savings in the best possible way. However, they need to be careful. There are many unsavory people out there with lucrative business opportunities. Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme is just one example that sucked in a large number of senior citizens in.
Scammers love homeowners as a property is one of the more valuable things around. However, something like a property tax scam is a little more elaborate than. One example is getting a County Assessor's Office letter in the mail. It looks official, it sounds official but in reality, it's just a scam to "assess your property value." For a large fee of course.
You've probably heard of this one and the reason is, it's all too popular. It starts when someone gets a check in the mail for a fake lottery they just won. Overflowing with excitement, the person runs to the bank and deposits the check. After a few days, the fake check is then rejected. But during that time, the criminals collect any fees or taxes on the supposed "prize" and get away clean.
There is a special place reserved in prison for people who utilize this scam. It begins when a scammer calls a grandparent, pretending to be a grandchild. If they somehow trick the grandparent, then they ask them to send some money through MoneyGram or the Western Union. After that, the scam artist will trick the old person by saying "whatever you do, don't tell mom and dad. They will kill me." Sneaky right?