Porn bots have been around the internet for a while now. You can pretend you don't know what it is, but everyone's had an encounter or two with these spammy robots. However, they're starting to break new ground on the PlayStation and XBox Live networks. Here's what you need to know about these scams and how they can potentially steal money from you.


It all starts as a normal day on PlayStation Network. You're just cruising around playing games or watching shows when suddenly, a message pops up. At first, it might seem like a genuine message but over time, you realize there is no one on the other side. Instead, it's a porn bot, trying to interact with you and establish a genuine connection. The only problem is, there is no genuine connection. If you continue to engage with the bot long enough, you'll see this.


If you're somehow tricked into thinking this porn bot is a real cam girl, then you can lose some big money. There are a striking number of PlayStation users who fork over their valuable credit card information for a chance at some hot, young pornography. In the end, you don't actually get a sexy video. All you get is a deep feeling of stupidity, regret and, of course, a much lighter wallet.

But what if you want to complain? Well, good luck contacting customer service of FlingSociety, one of the larger scam operators out there. There is not visible contact information on their website, meaning there's no way to track them. But at least the kids are safe. Right?


Perhaps the only good thing to come out of this mess is a little ethics. At the beginning, the bot messages you and asks for your age. If you answer anything under 18, then the conversation ends. However, a 10-year-old kid knows how to type numbers above 18 and if they do, they are open to this dangerous scam. So keep a lookout everyone, not everything is what it seems.