Expert Investing: Where to Invest in 2018?
So you have some spare cash around for 2018. Where should you put it? What asset classes look the most promising? What stocks have the best chances of delivering some big returns? We all wish these questions were simple and easy but that's just not the case. No one knows for sure what the investing future holds. However, there some people who can give a pretty good estimate. So let's get some expert advice and see' what they have to say about the markets in 2018.
Let's start with the big picture. 2017 was not such a great year for planet Earth's environment but in terms of the overall financial environment, it's looking promising. In fact, 2017 was the first time since the 2008 worldwide financial crisis that shows equity markets with decent stability. Just ask Adrian Lowcock, the investment director of Architas. According to him, global growth is coming in 2018 but you should not be reckless with your investing. As per the experts, find the best combination of both growth and value.
Manager of Rathbone Multi-Asset Portfolio funds and expert David Coombs has a prediction about asset classes and remains optimistic about equities. While some are panicking, saying a recession in the United States or China is in the near future, Coomb says that is not the case. Still, Coombs believes that holding cash is a valuable asset. Holding cash gives the flexibility to make adjustments of a correction in equities, bonds or elsewhere.
We've heard a lot of mixed reviews from experts about cryptocurrency investing. But generally, many say it can be a good investment opportunity. Is 2018 the year for this technology to really take off in the mainstream economy? Sadly, there is no answer to this one. Yet. You can take a look at all the trends and data you'd like, but it's just far too unpredictable. The US treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin says it perfectly. In regards to cryptocurrencies, he states that he "wants to make sure that they're not used for illicit activities."
That is the main concern for big-time investors right now. Hence, the cryptocurrency market is in the hands of the small, but revolutionary platforms that are trying to bring some real credibility to this market. If you're a risk taker but believe in the concepts of these startups, then cryptocurrency is a wise investment. On the other hand, you could always wait until things level out but then you might miss the chance of investing in the next Google.